- Continental Biscuits Limited is committed to maintain a leading position in safe food value chain with premium quality halal food products.
- Comply with all applicable legislations and regulations related to Quality, Health, Safety, Environment, Halal and Food safety.
- Assess Quality, Health, Safety, Environment, Halal and Food Safety risks and their significant impacts while making business decisions.
- Provide safe and healthy working conditions to all stakeholders for the prevention of work-related injuries, incidents and occupational illnesses.
- Protect the environment through pollution prevention, reduction of natural resources consumption, controlled emissions and recycling of waste.
- Monitor and evaluate our performance by means of periodic reviews and audits for continual improvement.
- Ensure open communication and provide transparent information about our operations and performance that promote and increase mutual trust among all stakeholders.
- Encourage all employees and contractors to participate in identifying and controlling hazards and enable them to contribute to improve the work environment.
- Provide training and development opportunities for our employees to maintain job competence, focused on developing a culture of excellence.
- Minimize food loss and waste throughout the operations, ensuring efficient use of resources, promoting sustainability and strengthen food security.